Title: Midnight Frost (Mythos Academy #5)
Author: Jennifer Estep
Pages: 372
ISBN: 9780758281494
Genre: Young Adult
First Published: July 2013
Buy It: Bookdepository
Just when it seems life at Mythos Academy can’t get any
more dangerous, the Reapers of Chaos manage to prove me wrong. It was just a
typical night at the Library of Antiquities — until a Reaper tried to poison
me. The good news is I’m still alive and kicking. The bad news is the Reaper
poisoned someone else instead.
As Nike’s Champion, everyone expects me to lead the
charge against the Reapers, even though I’m still hurting over what happened
with Spartan warrior Logan Quinn. I’ve got to get my hands on the antidote fast
— otherwise, an innocent person will die. But the only known cure is hidden in
some creepy ruins — and the Reapers are sure to be waiting for me there …
A few
months ago, I came across this series and because anything supernatural that
involves an academy draws my attention, so I started reading. And I kept on
reading until I finished the first four of the books. Then, a little while ago, I
saw that the fifth book was out and I tried my luck on Netgalley. I was very
very happy when I was approved for Midnight Frost.
like the other four books, it's action packed and has lots of humor. There
wasn't much Loki in this books, for which I'm glad, because in these books he's
much scarier than Tom Hiddleston in Thor. Something I didn't like about this
book is that it took forever until Logan finally came back into the story.
Other than that, this is a great book. I loved the Gryphons and Eir. Also, I
hope we will see more of Rory. I always love badass female characters.
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