Author: Alisa Valdes
Pages: 305
ISBN: 9780062024206
Genre: Young Adult/Paranormal
First Published: April 2012
Buy It: Bookdepository
touch was electric.
His eyes
were magnetic.
His lips
were a temptation....
But was he real?
crashing her car on an empty highway, Shane is miraculously saved by Travis, a
mysterious cowboy who walks out of nowhere. She is instantly attracted to him,
and for the first time, she believes in “soul mates.” But Shane soon discovers
that Travis is dead and that strict rules from the Underworld govern kindred
spirits of different dimensions. Breaking these rules could destroy both their
souls. And while Travis is almost impossible to resist, temptation proves to be
the kindest enemy they encounter.
I wish I would've read the reviews on goodreads before I bought this book. But it was so cheap (which I can understand after reading it) and the summary makes the book sound really interesting. Boy, was I wrong..
The problem with this book was that everything went waaaay too fast. Shane claimed to be in love with Travis after seeing him for only a couple of times. Now, I know some people say there is such a thing as love at first sight, but I really don't believe in that kind of stuff. I mean, it's possible to be attracted to someone after you meet them but you need to actually know the person to be in love. At least, that's my opinion.
What was also weird about this book was Shane's boyfriend Logan. That dude is seriously messed up. How on earth could she have dated such a creepy guy? It doesn't make sense. There were all kinds of things like this. Sometimes I felt like this book was written for really young people, like 14 year olds. But then she talked about sex and I was like, um no maybe not. And then there was the most ridiculous quote of the whole book. It made me laugh so hard. And not in a good way.

I mean, I know she has some kind of connection with Travis so when they touch it feels really special, but to compare holding hands to having sex? That's the silliest thing I've heard in a long time.
Valdes could have made this book really good because the storyline is okay but in my opinion it's all way too childish and implausible. I can't give it more than 2 stars.
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